I have been a member of the London Gliding
Club, Dunstable, since 1986 and was an instructor from 1989. (My
ratings [FC, MGIR & BICoach] lapsed due to Covid and for various reasons
I did not renew them. Now past the allowed age for instructing and
tugging anyway.) Below
are some of the briefings I developed over the years. If you find them of
any use I will be pleased.
My humble apologies if any of this varies
from current official BGA doctrine. This may reflect the peculiar circumstances
at Dunstable or I may simply be wrong. Also times (and regimes) DO change. You judge.
How to see
the slides
To get the FULL EFFECT of the presentations
use Internet Explorer and make sure to
click on 'Slide Show' (bottom right) and then keep clicking to progress
through the animated slides. (I guess the animations don't work in other
browsers because PP is a Microsoft product.) Once you are in the Slide
Show, to go backwards, right click and choose 'previous'. You may have
to 'Allow blocked content' a few times depending on your security settings.
To get out of the slide show use esc. To get out of the presentation
do a 'back'.
Sadly, it seems these slides will not
animate in I.E. version 9 or later unless you sell your soul to
microsoft in the Cloud. Pity. Am working on it without a
lot of hope! MS/Powerpoint 2013 does not appear to directly support animation
on a website?! If you're still on IE8 in XP
...it all
works fine!! A classic case of improving things worse!
Or you can try the corresponding pdfs, where
I've produced them. They're not as good but better than nothing.
This is really the only option now (2022). So much for progress!
Copies of the animated lecture slides on
Principles of Flight which I used when I did this section of the Bronze Lecture programme
at LGC (some time ago now).
A presentation on field landings.
This was originally intended as a briefing before embarking on a first stortie in
a motor glider in pursuance of the BGA Cross County Endorsement.
However it grew over the years and is now pretty exhaustive (I'm told)
but far too long for a pre-flight briefing.
(For photos of crop see the Derby
& Lancs Club site at
http://www.fieldselection.co.uk. )
A Powerpoint presentation for instructors
about teaching winch launch failures. In my view this is often taught
badly and without following an appropriate sequence of incremental steps.
Carefull progress checking before moving from one stage to the next
is needed. Difficulties are often the result of a student receiving
instruction from too many different instructors who don't talk to one
another! See Bronze Lectures (above) for more on winching for
the ab initio. Also see London Gliding Club website, Newsletter
archives, for articles on the theory of winch launching ('Safety
Matters', May 2008 to Nov 2008).
My take on Skew-T (and TePhigrams). Might suit your brain
or you might prefer the experts' explanation which usually confuses
I always find this confusing/difficult
to remember. Try my aid-memoir. If you reckon any of this is wrong,
please let me know: tomsage@bayriver.co.uk
Cautionary Tales on the use of GPS
and Flarm
A lot of hopeful instructor candidates
on AssCat courses find these demos a challenge to demonstrate convincingly.
This is my take on how to get them to work. Practice makes perfect!
The BGA patter doesn't include how to prompt.
Most people will freeze when you give them control for the first time.
You need to prompt. This is how I do it. Seems to work!
Author: Tom Sage...Please
reproduce what you would like so long as you don't charge anything for
it... It would always be nice to be acknowledged.